EX 5-24 E-commerce

For each of the following companies, determine what they primarily sell and whether their e-commerce strategy is primarily business-to-consumer (B2C), business-to-business (B2B), or both. Use the Internet to investigate each company’s site in conducting your research.

a. Amazon.com
b. Dell Inc.
c. DuPont
d. Intuit Inc.
e. L.L. Bean, Inc.
f. W.W. Grainger, Inc.

a. Amazon.com B2C. Sells books, DVDs, and other products to individual consumers.

b. Dell Inc. B2C and B2B. Sells computer products to both  individuals and corporations. Its site separates individual and corporate sales.

c. DuPont B2B. Specialty chemicals. DuPont Direct® is its B2B web application.

d. Intuit Inc. B2C and B2B. Arranges its site for both individuals and businesses because its products are divided this way.

e. L.L. Bean, Inc. B2C. Consumer clothes e-retailer.

f. W.W. Grainger, Inc. B2B. Sells maintenance, repair, and operating supplies to manufacturing companies.