EX 10-23 Fixed asset turnover ratio

Amazon.com, Inc. is the world’s leading Internet retailer of merchandise and media. Amazon also designs and sells electronic products, such as e-readers. Netflix, Inc.isthe world’sleading Internet television network. Both companies competeinthe digital media and streaming space. However, Netflix is more narrowly focused in the digital streaming business than is Amazon. Sales and average book value of fixed assets information (in millions) are provided for Amazon and Netflix for a recent year as follows:

                                                      Amazon | Netflix
Sales                                           $107,006 | $6,780
Average book value of fixed assets 19,403 |    162

a. Compute the fixed asset turnover ratio for each company. Round to one decimal place.

b. Which company is more efficient in generating sales from fixed assets?

c.  Interpret your results.


b. Netflix is more efficient than Amazon in generating revenue from fixed assets.
Netflix’s fixed asset turnover ratio is 41.9, which means it is able to generate $41.90 
of revenue for every dollar of fixed assets. Amazon’s fixed asset turnover ratio is 5.5, 
which is only $5.50 of revenue for every dollar of fixed assets. Netflix’s fixed asset 
turnover ratio is more than 7 times larger than Amazon’s (41.9 ÷ 5.5).
c. The difference in their fixed asset turnover ratios reflects the difference in their
core businesses. Netflix is mostly an Internet streaming and DVD rental company.
These services do not require significant fixed assets. The most significant fixed
assets of Netflix are its information technology assets, followed by its headquarters 
and DVD mailing operations. Amazon also provides streaming services, media 
downloads, and other electronic products. In addition, Amazon sells a wide 
assortment of merchandise and markets Kindle
 products. This broader
assortment of activities requires more extensive use of fixed assets beyond
information technology, including warehouses and equipment. These additional
fixed assets are the cause of Amazon’s lower fixed asset turnover ratio.